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making room for 1:1 executive coaching when in the top seats
is like being able to plug in
to a kind of inner sanctum on leadership

my clients value this, finding effective sounding boards scarce at their levels

my role there is to accompany you towards your own top tier leadership flow
to expand and accelerate your thinking 
on nailing how you choose to be performing your role
who and what you want to be in that role 
how (well) you want to feel whilst doing it
and how you want others to feel
and how you want to live

I do this by questioning, sensing, reflecting back, and offering possibilities
to get you to clarity on the realities of and potential for your context, 
and by helping you to imagine forwards into the way of leading you choose

View of Boston Harbour, MA
Ice in Central Park New York City
Fiona from flowCEO with suitcase on her way to a client
The Royal Court of Justice building in London
View of architecture through an arched window

1:1 work is all bespoke, and can be on-going in a regular cadence
or as a programme of sessions 
objectives, as a map, will always be agreed together at the start

the trigger for your coaching may be landing the top job, 
or finding your current role coming to an end or a pause, 
or as part of a plan to find a fresh approach to a leadership question

I will partner with you 
in tapping you into your signature leadership flow 



my clients, who are exec leadership teams, senior leadership teams, global leadership teams, Boards and Trustees,
find that coming together for a pre-planned series of leadership sessions with me


efficiently focuses energy and attention both on the strategy/activity and on the ways the team is or has been working, as well as on the reasons for that

View of plane at airport with a sunset sky
Exterior of a building
City at night from flowCEO office window
blue sky with clouds
Fiona from flowCEO

I create for and with you a warm and effective space
for looking with curiosity and capacity at what the team is doing and at how it’s going in the team
for getting clear on where this team wants to get to
for fast-tracking the team in getting there 
and in hanging on to those behaviours and approaches going forwards

in these ways we together tap into

this team’s signature flow

we cement trust, shift communication and co-create commitments on how the team now intend to work together 

all team development work is bespoke
It may be triggered by mergers or acquisitions or restructuring or new ownership or new overall leadership 
or by review or launch or refreshment
whatever the catalyst, it starts with your brief and with hearing each team member

working in UK, USA, and Europe
I travel to and with the team


kicking off with full day sessions, before a sequence of half-day or shorter catch ups
to help adapt to and integrate the emergent realities 
to partner in the progress 
to co-hold (with you) the team to its dream

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© flowCEO Ltd 2024. All rights reserved. 

I took each picture on this website either whilst coaching or on the way to work with my clients 

Website Design by Studio Polpetto

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